Enate authors

Kit Cox

Founder of Enate

Kit Cox is an entrepreneur with a rich background in the AI and business process orchestration technology space. Starting as a manufacturing engineer, he quickly transitioned into software development, setting the stage for a career focused on optimizing operations through AI and orchestration.


Kit Cox

Kit Cox is an entrepreneur with a rich background in the AI and business process orchestration technology space. Starting as a manufacturing engineer, he quickly transitioned into software development, setting the stage for a career focused on optimizing operations through AI and orchestration.

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Kit Cox


  • Business process orchestration
  • The art of the possible with AI
  • Running operations smoothly

Kit Cox



Kit holds a first class honours degree in SEP, Engineering, achieved at Brunel University London between 1991-1996.

Kit Cox


experience & previous work

Kit’s professional career began in the field of manufacturing engineering, which equipped him with a unique perspective that he has effectively applied to software development and service operations. His tenure in technology has been marked by an unwavering commitment to enhancing business operations through digital solutions. Under Kit’s leadership, Enate has emerged as a key AI and business process orchestration market player, crafting solutions that address complex operational challenges.