Enate’s Kit Cox chats to the Tech Talks Daily podcast

AI, Humans and Future of Service Delivery - Tech Talks Daily

Enate’s Founder & CTO Kit Cox recently sat down with Tech Talks Daily podcast host Neil C. Hughes to chat about the intersection between human and digital workforces and what that means for the future of service delivery.

Tune in to hear Kit cover:

  • The fundamentals of service delivery
  • The impact of AI on different job functions
  • How AI advancement is making older models obsolete
Zell is a Head of Content with over a decade of experience in copywriting, brand storytelling, PR and SEO. She has worked both agency side and in-house for brands ranging from speciality coffee to cosmetics. In her current role at Enate, Zell is responsible for distilling complex tech concepts into language users understand and resonate with, writing AI and orchestration content and generally being the go-to person for anything involving copy.
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Zell Dello Ioio

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